Where to buy quiet books

Yes. I've hit the wall. All inspiration and motivation is now gone. Why am I like that with projects that start out being so fun?
Anyway, here's where you can buy a super cute quiet book. We own several of the "paper dolls" and they are so fun. The quiet books are just as cute, and I'm telling you, they are a bargain compared to what you could spend making one.


lisa said...

Wow. I applaud your attempt at another quiet book. As for me, I for sure will buy them. I just wanted to tell you that your blog has inspired me to WANT to sew more. Maybe it's because i have a baby girl again--but I WANT to start sewing more for her. Plus, there are SO MANY cool patterns out there...and so little time. Keep up your good work-it motivates me a lot!

Marcie said...

I love the book you are making for miss a it is going to be so cute when it's done. I am definally one of those people who is better off buying some one eles creations!