I think I might be in love.....

 ...with this crazy fabric. You might remember this top and this bag. So when I saw the print in corduroy, naturally I bought some more. I had a jumper in mind when I made it. I was looking for this fabric, and couldn't find it until after buying more of the Carnival Bloom. I really like the mini boden version, but hate to pay that much for a play dress.
Pattern: New Look 6903, I omitted the pocket and hem ruffle.
Fabric: Michael Miller "Carnival Bloom" Corduroy.
*note added later: Here is yet another project made from the flannel type of this fabric that I completely forgot about. Sigh. I must be in a rut!


Parkinson Party of 7 said...

I love that! What a cute dress! Wow, I wish that I had your sewing skills!!!! I was just sewing pumpkins last night and was too tired I guess because somehow my little pumpkin ended up with a tail :(

Gentry said...

Hollie, that is so dang cute!! And little miss A looks so grown up here! I can't believe how fast she is growing up!

MomMitchell said...

You are sooo very talented!! I am amazed at all the cute things you sew. I hope you like your new house and the boys are doing good in school. Miss A is so cute and she's one lucky girl to have you for her mom, she will never not have cute clothes to wear. How fun to have costumes for them to pick from, me, I always bought the plastic ones which by the end of the night were trashed. Keep posting, I enjoy reading about your life.