I'm questioning my fabric choice

I really should have referenced a manual or two about working with a fabric with a nap. Yah, sometimes I forget things like pressing with a needle board and watching the direction of the nap. But sometimes I just need a quick project and sometimes it's still better than what I can find at a store. So, it's not perfect...but neither am I.
Fabric: Corduroy from Joann. Not great, but it's what I could find. The color was right though.
Pattern: Oliver and S Hopscotch Skirt. Great little skirt. I've already got my moneys worth out of this pattern. The buttons on the front are not "working" ones. The placket was a little to bulky for my machine's buttonholer, so the buttons are sewn on through all layers. Works well, and with the elastic in the back, Miss A can dress herself. I think she would have had a problem with buttonholes anyway.....
Now, after a summer of being barefoot, Miss A has rediscovered "ice skating" in her tights on the wood floor. There are so many important things to do (besides pose for pictures) when you are three.

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