Then and Now

Made by my mom in about 1983. She also made a yellow one, I suppose two of everything is a necessity when you have two sets of girls; 14 and 12 months apart. If I remember right, she made them both very late one night before a "Cabbage Patch Kid" theme party my sister and I were going to.
My recreation started in 2008, and after almost starting a backyard bon fire with the pattern, put away until last week. Last week I was reminded of why I HATE this pattern. Did anyone test the pattern before it went to print? I doubt it. Really a frustrating sewing experience.
Pattern: Vogue 8441 (out of print). The quilt should be a brick pattern, but if you cut and sew like the instructions state, you'll end up with not enough blocks to make it the right size. I added two additional rows of blocks, lined them up, and barely had enough. And that was one of the easy problems to fix.
Fabric: Gingham and rosebud print from, I can't remember.


Gentry said...

Oh yes! The pink gingham and rosebud fabric. That must have been all they had back in my day! I had many doll accesories and blankets made from that! So cute Hollie!!

Marcie said...

Love it! It brings back alot of memories:). Maybe miss A will make one for her daughter one day, and hopefully thr improve the pattern by then.

Megan said...

Oh the memories of carrying Winnie around in that carrier. That poor dog put up with a lot.