Keeping it all in balance

I had an experience yesterday that made me wonder if I'm turning Miss A into Veruca Salt. While I love to sew and create things for her to wear, I fear I'm unconsciously over emphasizing appearances. I definitely want my children to be more than the clothes they are wearing.


Chris and Michelle said...

Veruca (classic btw!) and Miss A? Not a chance! Emmie on the other hand is a much closer comparasin to VS and Emmie runs around looking like a rat child most days...I think some of it is just part of being a girl - adorably dressed or not...
You are great, Hollie. Thanks for a good laugh. :)

Megan said...

She is anything but a Veruca Salt. The just likes fancy things, and you like to make them. And she's a girl; most of the stuff she does just comes with the territory. You might have forgotten while you were in boy world for a few years before she came along.