I say no so often

Sometimes I say yes to try to redeem myself. I said yes to this flannel mermaid fabric for Miss A's winter pajamas. It's loud and bright, but a better choice than the John Deere tractor fabric she originally wanted. I think they turned out cute, and she loves them so much she won't take them off. With all the sickness at our house lately she's a little bit confused about proper daytime attire. But if I have to look at them at lunch time, at least they don't have tractors on them.
Pattern: Oliver and S Bedtime Story Pajamas. I made a size 3, which was a little sad for me since the first time I made these pajamas I made a 6-12 month size. She is growing. Sniff, sniff. I used ribbon for the ties this time which really helps speed up the process of making them.
Fabric: Michael Miller Sea Beauties flannel, with green dot flannel trim. I was going to make matching pajamas for her baby, but may make these instead.
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Megan said...

Umm.... maybe I shouldn't admit this.... but I would totally pick our pajamas in that pattern. I know I liked her... or you... whoever picked it out. :)

So cute!!

Parkinson Party of 7 said...

Such cute jammies! Look how cute she is....there is no way that I could tell her no either!