Lining for the Jacket

Here is the removable lining for Miss A's jacket, in all of it's late night/early morning sewing glory. It was simple to put together, especially since I purchased ready quilted fabric and packaged bias. The packaged bias is a bit stiff, which is great when applying it, not so great for wearability. Miss A doesn't seem to mind, and since it's on the inside of the jacket I don't mind that it's a bit wonky. I keep telling myself that she'll most likely use that edge of the lining for a napkin/tissue/pacifier anyway. As long as it is washable I'm okay with less than excellent application.
I should have followed the instructions and began and ended the bias at the hem. It was really early in the morning, and quite honestly I thought the top neck edge was the hem. Again, Miss A doesn't mind. I doubt anyone will examine the interior of her jacket closely anyway, you should feel privelged to be able to see it. So pretend the serger thread is brown too, okay?
It seems very warm when paired with the jacket. Miss A is one of the "hot bodies" in the family, and I didn't want her to be too warm. I'm glad it is all finished.


lisa said...

It looks great Hollie! You've got to have THE MOST stylin' little girl ever!!

Marcie said...

It turned out SO cute, and it looks cute with her little hat. I never even would have though to change the thread on the surger, which I guess is just one of many reasons why I don't or should not attempt to sew.

designdreamer said...

Ha Ha (regarding the serger thread color)
I'm new to your blog, and (obviously late to comment) I kind of doubt that you'll ever read my comments, I found you via the Oliver & S flicker group.
Anyhoo . . . I can certainly relate to the unmatched serger thread color. I recently made the popover sundress in a turquoise with pink floral. I didn't have any turquoise thread, so (since I used hot pink for the band) I used hot pink serger thread. Looks kind of cute If I do say so myself!

I absolutely adore your coat here! And your dd is adorable! I love the lining fabric also. And although I'M not Norwegian, the town I grew up in was VERY much so, and I can see why your fabric was named as it was.
Excellent job on that jacket.
I've recently discovered Oliver and S patterns, and I don't have a little one to sew for anymore, so I'm trying to figure out how to justify making/sewin/buying expensive patterns.