So I Lied...

I obviously make time for the things I want to do. I said I wouldn't have time to sew, and I somehow did. I should have been packing/cleaning, but instead I sewed a new dress for Miss A. And found time to blog about it. Around here we call it the "Bird Day" Party dress. The striped facing shows through a bit, but over all I like it.

Pattern: Oliver and S Birthday Party Dress , once again I was ridiculously impressed with the pattern. It was perfect! I just may have to sew another one (not before moving of course).

Fabric: Urban Chiks "Sweet" by Moda. I was inspired by this dress, but thought I'd better make it in pink so Miss A could use her pink shoes, and keep me from buying some teal ones.


Gentry said...

Oh YEAH! The Kimber's are staying a little longer!! So which house are you renting? Are you still in our ward? Oh and Hollie I hardly think you need to get your house clean, it is always so spotless!

Megan said...

I want that dress. Really.