More aprons

Here's Miss A and Bitty Baby in their new aprons. Miss A's is a bit big, but she should grow into it before I'm ready to make another one. She loves it. I'm not much of an apron wearer, or a cook, so I'm afraid she doesn't really know what it is. She thinks it's a cute dress.
Fabric: Lakehouse Dry Goods "Little Cupcake" and "Itty Pritty Polka Ditty" cotton rick rack, and black ribbon for the ties. I now wish I had made fabric ties, I'm afraid the ribbon may not wear well with Miss A's "on again, off again" personality.
Pattern: Little Retro Aprons
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Anonymous said...

Cute! I love her little dress/apron. Good luck with that lazy eye...

Amateur Steph said...

Wow! I had no idea they had a doll hospital. I am totally not with it in the doll area (or in any area for that matter, sigh.)
Cute aprons. Next time I want to buy some Fancy Nancy apparel for Kenzie can I enlist you to help me (or just pay you)? Your stuff is soooo cute.

Megan said...

The Doll Hospital is for real? I thought it was a joke until I clicked on the link!
Is it just me or does Miss A look much older than 2 in this picture? She looks like a little kid and not a baby... :( They grow up so fast.

Hollie said...

The doll hospital is real. They get shipped back wearing a hospital gown. I hear you can buy a doll wheel chair too. Also the American Girl stores have a doll beauty salon where they can get their hair repaired and ears pierced, and Bitty Baby can get her head repainted. But I can't see me and Miss A going to LA, Chicago or NYC anytime soon.